Founded in March 2001
The Panama Cyberspace News is an online publication featuring news briefs and a CyberNews Online Calendar 2024.
In 2006 the PanamaCyberSpace News was awarded the coveted “Arroba de Oro” for its website.
In 2020 PanamaCyberSpace News was awarded the Best Online Panamanian News Portal.
In 2020 PanamaCyberSpace News was awarded the Best Online Panamanian News Portal.
Cybernews Editor
- Panama CyberNews Editor
- Former Liaison Officer
- Writer-editor for the Tropic Times
- Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts
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Notable Panamanians
- Artist & entertainers
- Writers, novelist and poets
- Entrepreneurs and politicians
- Religious and public figures
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We have subscribers in Panama, throughout the United States, (Including Puerto Rico), Zimbabwe, U.S. Virgin Islands, Brazil and Canada.
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Year When Founded
Published Calendars
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August 11 to 17, 2024
Know Your Canal
The Society of Friends of the Afro-Antillean Museum of Panama (SAMAAP) invite you to participate in the Know Your Canal Week which will be held from Sunday, August 11 to Sunday, August 17, 2024. During the week of activities listed below, different talks will be held.

October 26, 2024
On October 26, 2024, it will be time to vote for the members of SAMAAP’s new board of directors for the period 2025 - 2026. To participate in the elections, all members must be up to date with their annual dues. If you are not currently up to date with your annual dues, we invite you to make your membership payment as soon as possible.

March 1, 2024, marks our 23rd Anniversary
23 Years of Publication
We thank those of you who have supported our journalism efforts during those 23 years. Without you there would not be a Panama Cyberspace News offering a variety of news items of interest to residents, expats, citizens and friends of the Republic of Panama.
- Worldwide subscribers
- Thirty six dollars ($36) annual fee
- Two monthly editions
- Variety of news items of interest
Notable Panamanians
This is a dynamic list of notable Panamanians who were born or who live or formerly lived in the Republic of Panama. You are encourage to contribute and help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries of other Panamanians who have contributed to our culture, heritage, business and country.