20th Anniversary Virtual Celebration

20th Anniversary Virtual Celebration

Alonso and Carmela Gobern

invite you to the 20th Anniversary Virtual Celebration

of the Panama Cyberspace News

on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 7 p.m. (Panama time)

See details in flyer attached.

Join Zoom Meeting  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88165629421?pwd=dFZUM3lIdk1BS2hWektCcisraHllQT09 

Meeting ID: 881 6562 9421

Passcode: Panama

Alonso y Carmela Gobern

le invita a la Celebración Virtual del XX Aniversario

del Panama Cyberspace News

el Lunes 1 de Marzo de 2021 a las 7 p.m. (Hora de Panamá)

Véase detalles en la volante adjunto.

Join Zoom Meeting  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88165629421?pwd=dFZUM3lIdk1BS2hWektCcisraHllQT09 

Meeting ID: 881 6562 9421

Passcode: Panama

The event is finished.


Mon Mar 2021


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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