Excursion to the Atlantic side

Excursion to the Atlantic side

Cybernews excursion to the Atlantic side on Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Travel on the Panama Railway to Colon, buffet breakfast at the Hotel Meliá Panama Canal, tour across the new bridge to Costa Abajo and also visit the Expanded Panama Canal at Agua Clara.

Alonso and Carmela Gobern
Editors of the Panama Cyberspace News

Excursion to the Atlantic side to the Expanded Canal at Agua Clara in Gatun followed by a trip across the new Atlantic Side Bridge to Costa Abajo, Colón

    • Depart from Corozal Train Station on the Panama Canal Railway at 7:15 a.m. (you should plan to arrive at the Corozal Train Station at 6:30 a.m.)
    • One-hour travel by train to Colón arriving at 8:15 a.m
    • Travel by bus to the Hotel Melia Panama Canal for a buffet breakfast
    • Travel across the newly inaugurated Atlantic side bridge to Costa Abajo of Colon
    • Followed by a visit to the Expanded Panama Canal at Agua Clara
    • Return on the bus (via autopista) to Corozal Train Station arriving at approx. 3:30 p.m.

Cost: $80 jubilados* (nationals and residents) *Copy of cédula required for discount.
$90 (nationals and residents no-jubilados)
$100 (visitors to Panama)

Cost include: Travel to Colon on the Panama Canal Railway, bus transportation in Colon, buffet breakfast at the Hotel Melia, visit to Agua Clara Expanded Canal and tour to Costa Abajo across the new bridge and return by bus to Panama (SPACE IS LIMITED)
Payment accepted immediately or no later than Thursday, August 8, 2019.
Bank information will be provided for making the deposit in the Banco General

Contact Carmela Gobern at goberncl@cwpanama.net
Telephone (507) 314-0398 Cellular (507) 6675-4507

The event is finished.


Tue Aug 2019


All Day


Carmela de Gobern
(507) 314-0398

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